Turning His Life Around.

As a 13 year old in the Virginia foster care system, Rick had no idea that he would spend nearly 30 years in prison. Like many of the seven million Americans in the world’s largest criminal justice system, Rick was becoming a product of his circumstances.

At age 18, he started to run with the wrong crowds. It was during this time that Rick participated in a crime that landed him in prison for life.

While incarcerated, Rick decided to make a change for himself in spite of his circumstances, so he worked tirelessly to sharpen his mind. "I had never had a driver's license, never lived on my own, never bought a vehicle, had never interviewed for a job..." But Rick saw an opportunity at Resilience where he could learn how to lead a productive life.

Rick learned about Resilience’s programs with the Darden Business School at UVA from his friend Mark, already a Resilience graduate. In Rick's words, “I wanted to pick up any skills or knowledge that would be helpful ‘if’ I ever got a chance to be released.”

Fortunately, Rick was released on parole in 2018, and has since experienced many "firsts": he received his driver's license, bought a new pickup truck, and began using skills he learned in Resilience Education classes to take control of his finances.

For Rick, Darden PREP was a “game changer,” and he quickly landed his dream job at a local railroad station thanks to the interview skills he gained through RE’s Foundations in Business course. 

"This program not only helped me get educated but also gave me hope. How do you express the incredible gratitude you feel for the gift of education and freedom after having made such horrible mistakes in life?"

 Today, Rick starts each day with a deep sense of gratitude and a commitment to, in his words, "pay it forward." His generosity helped secure a job for his friend Mark at the very same railroad. Mark’s Darden certificates assured his employers that he would be a valued employee just like Rick. Now Mark is providing for his family and making Rick look great — he even received a promotion!

On top of his job, Rick says he hit the “lady lottery” as well. Rick met a wonderful woman — a Navy veteran — who recently became his bride! Married on a vineyard countryside, Rick can’t believe he’s found the love of his life, Lisa.

Recently, Rick and his family moved to Charleston for Lisa’s new job. Rick isn’t worried about finding work, in part because the Resilience network isn’t far away — we’ve already connected him with Charleton and Leadi, two Darden alumni instructors, who will mentor Rick as part of our Resilient Professional Community.